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About the Blog

A Little About Little Old Me And Why I Started This

If you asked my mother, she would probably tell you that I live off stress.  If there is nothing to stress about, I would stress about why I am not stressing.  Am I missing something?  Did I forget something?  When is the other shoe going to drop?


Contrary to popular belief, this is not a choice.  It’s just the way my mind works.  Also contrary to popular belief, stress is not a constant state of being.  I am fortunate that because of my stress, I can really appreciate the little things in life.  The little things that take me away from the worries and thoughts and allow me to relax; the things that make me smile. 


I am not talking about the big vacations to a beautiful tropical island, or that trip to Disney that you will remember for the rest of your life.  I am talking about the little things: the roadside attraction in your town you finally stop at after all these years; the amazing hole-in-the-wall restaurant you come across while walking home from work one day; or the hidden little museum that you can’t believe you have never heard of before.


They say that you need to see the trees from the forest, but sometimes it’s the light filtering through the leaves that makes the forest come alive with beauty.

That is what this blog is about.


And people!  I want this blog to help me as well.  So if you have come across some little gem in your life that you wish more people knew about… write about it, and I will post it.  I want to hear about the little things in life that make you smile.  But I know my friends… so keep in clean and proper, please.


I really do hope this blog inspires people to appreciate the everyday things.  I love traveling, but there is so much around us now to enjoy.


Please remember friends to always take a minute of every day to stop a smell the flowers.  Because that is where happiness lies.

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